Saturday, October 25, 2014

Another night

“The world is on fire…no one can save me, but you.”
Amorous glances, doing nothing to quell fires, voices left untended, forsaken, deprived of solace.

A tilt to the right and the perfect angles of her face are mirrored in his eyes.  And as she drinks, he traces the thin edge of the glass, as it softly brushes her cool lips, and all this while, her fingers adorning the glass.

Long feminine fingers and those perfectly sculpted wrists, graced by her flawless, soft skin.

Desires unsafely bottled up, the key tossed away, prior to the locking of gates.


She couldn't understand the show they put up, year after year, to dress up in costly blacks, chained by the rubies and pearls, talking of how good their recent romp in  bed was, while the same man was now making up for lost time, some other city, and some other set of pearls. 
“Animals”, she hissed, under her breath.  And she had never liked pearls, even tonight, little sapphires caressed her neck.

Concealed eyes, humongous falsehoods, the world chalked out in half lies and quarter truths.

But then she saw him.


Laughing, drinking, and then throwing her a casual glance. A nod, a half- smile, which never reaches his eyes, and then another look towards her.  A woman walks over to his side, gently tugging at his arm. He takes her hand, in the process, extricating himself from her.
And now, turning over to talk to the waiter, he throws a wink at the blue sapphire lady.

She is pleasantly surprised, but feigns a disgusted expression, raising her eyebrows. And her brown almond eyes light up with the same fire, the fire she has still not grown accustomed to, even though the night is now inching towards dawn.


Outside on the tarmac, fidgeting through her coat, trying to find the car keys, she breathes sharply as his arm grazes her waist.
“ I couldn't take my eyes off of you”, he whispers.
 She flushes a deep red, the glow of her cheeks visible even in the dark.
And smiling, she says, “Drive us home, you. I know you have the keys.”

“What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you…”

Wicked game- Gemma Hayes


  1. Nice story, great thinking and the way of using words is best. will read your other blogs in future. and Best Of Luck for future in writing field. :)

    1. Thanks a lot, Tejesh! And thank you for reading,too!
